Allahumma Rahmataka Arju Full Dua in Arabic, Meaning & Benefits

Allahumma rahmataka arju dua is a short prayer asking for Allah’s mercy to repel feelings of anxiety, grief, depression, worries, hardship, and distress. It seeks relief from mental and emotional burdens by relying on Allah’s compassion and mercy.
Allahumma Rahmataka Arju in Arabic
The full Dua is written in Arabic as:
اللَّهُمَّ رَحْمَتَكَ أَرْجُو فَلَا تَكِلْنِي إِلَى نَفْسِي طَرْفَةَ عَيْنٍ وَأَصْلِحْ لِي شَأْنِي كُلَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَا أَنْتَ
Allahumma Rahmataka Arjoo, falaa takilni ila nafsee tarfataa ayn aslih li lee sha’ni kullah, la illaaha ila anta.
Allahumma Rahmataka Arju Meaning In English
Allaahumma Rahmataka Arju means O Allah, I hope for Your mercy. Do not leave me to myself even for a blink of an eye. Correct all of my affairs for me. There is none worthy of worship except You.
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Allahumma Rahmataka Hadith
From the hadeeth of Abu Bakra (رضي الله عنه) that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “The supplications for anxiety and grief is,
Allahumma Rahmataka Arjoo, falaa takilni ila nafsee tarfataa ayn aslih li lee sha’ni kullah, la illaaha ila anta
(O Allah I hope for Your Mercy, do not entrust me to my own self even for the blink of an eye, correct for me all my matters, there is none worthy of worship except You.)
[Narrated by Ahmad (27898) and Abu Dawud (5090). It was classed as hasan by al-Albani in Sahih al-Jami‘ (3388)]

Shaykh Abdur-Razzaq al-Badr explains how significant this supplication is:
When the Prophet (peace be upon him) says, “O Allah, Your Mercy I hope for,” he means that he solely relies on Allah’s mercy. He doesn’t seek mercy from anyone else, showing his sincerity and belief in the Oneness of Allah.
By starting his supplication with “O Allah, Your Mercy I hope for,” the Prophet expresses his dependence on Allah’s mercy alone. He doesn’t seek it from anyone else but Allah.
When the Prophet says, “do not entrust me to my own self even for the blink of an eye,” he demonstrates complete reliance on Allah in every moment and situation.
You are always in need of Allah, even for the simplest actions like blinking your eye. You rely on Allah for everything, and you are not self-sufficient without Him.
Allah, on the other hand, doesn’t need you at all, but you need Him for everything. That’s why you say, “do not entrust me to my own self even for the blink of an eye.”
If Allah were to leave you to yourself for even a moment, you would be lost and stray from the right path. Those who rely on themselves or others instead of Allah are ultimately lost.
That’s why it’s a blessing from Allah that He never entrusts you to anyone but Himself. When He entrusts you to Himself, it means He’s granting you strength, power, and authority.
When you place your trust in Allah, you will be fearless, and everything around you will be in awe of you. However, if you don’t rely on Allah:
Allah will make you fearful of everything, to the extent that whatever you trust in from the created beings will become your reliance. Consequently, it will lead to your downfall and ruin.
As mentioned in a Hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever wears an amulet, may Allah not fulfill his need, and whoever wears a seashell, may Allah not give him peace.”
This is because wearing amulets and seashells shows reliance on them, leading to spiritual loss.
In contrast, a Muslim places their heart’s trust only in Allah, seeks refuge only with Him, and relies solely on Him for guidance and protection.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “…there is none worthy of worship except You,” and then he mentioned the statement of Tawheed: Laa Ilaha Illa-Allah.
This means that no one truly deserves to be worshipped except Allah. He is the only refuge, the only one to depend on, and the only one to trust in.
He alone has complete authority over all affairs, and He alone should be worshipped. This declaration is a remedy for distress.
Al-Munawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said, “Whoever testifies to the oneness and might of Allah, while focusing in his supplication and humbling himself, deserves to be relieved of distress in this world and to be shown mercy and raised in status in the Hereafter.” (Fayd al-Qadir)
Dua Benefits
These words in the narration express faith, belief in one God, and sincerity to Allah, while distancing oneself from all forms of association with Him, whether major or minor.
This clearly shows that the best solution for distress is renewing faith and repeating the words affirming the oneness of Allah (“There is no god but Allah”).
Nothing eases hardship and relieves worries like believing in Allah’s oneness, sincerely devoting oneself to Him, and recognizing that all creation was brought into existence for His worship alone.
When the heart is filled with belief in Allah’s oneness and sincerity, and when one focuses on this important matter, sorrows fade away, and difficulties disappear, especially when the meanings are understood and the purposes are acted upon.
Prophet Yunus, peace be upon him, found relief from distress only when he said: “There is no deity except You, exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.”
“O Allah, I hope for Your mercy”: By delaying the action with “I hope for,” it shows exclusivity, meaning we hope for mercy only from You, not from anyone else.
The specificity of the request emphasizes seeking mercy because Allah’s mercy encompasses everything.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Do not leave me to myself even for a blink of an eye,” showing his strong reliance on and need for Allah, recognizing that there is no independence from the Lord, not even for a split second, in any aspect of life.
When he says, “the blink of an eye,” it emphasizes a very short moment.
His statement, “Correct all of my affairs for me,” is a plea to Allah to fix every aspect of his life, matters, and affairs in every detail, as shown by the word “all.”
The supplication ends with the powerful declaration, “There is none worthy of worship except You,” affirming the absolute Oneness of Allah in divinity, lordship, names, and attributes.
This shows that supplication is effective and relieves distress when accompanied by a sincere acknowledgment of Allah’s uniqueness.
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