Allahumma Inni Auzu Bika Min Jahdil Meaning & Arabic Text

Allahumma Inni Auzu Bika Min Jahdil

The Prophet (SAW) often recited the prayer: ‘Allahumma inni auzu bika min jahdil’. By saying this, the Prophet (SAW) was seeking Allah’s protection from afflictions, trials, tests, difficulties and calamities.

He was asking Allah to shield him from all kinds of challenges and hardships that might come his way.

Allahumma Inni A’uzu Bika Min Jahdil in Arabic Text

The dua is written in Arabic as:

اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ جَهْدِ الْبَلَاءِ، وَدَرَكِ الشَّقَاءِ، وَسُوءِ الْقَضَاءِ، وَشَمَاتَةِ الْأَعْدَاءِ


The dua is transliterated as Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika min jahdil-balaa’i, wa darakish-shaqaa’i,wa soo’il qadhaa’i, wa shamaatatil-‘a’ada.

Allahumma Inni Auzu Bika Min Jahdil Meaning in English

Allahumma inni a uzu bika min jahd means O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the anguish of tribulation, the lowest depths of misery, the bad of what is decreed and the malice of enemies.

Hadith and Source

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) used to seek refuge with Allah from the difficult moment of a calamity and from being overtaken by destruction and from being destined to an evil end, and from the malicious joy of enemies. Sufyan said, “This narration contained three items only, but I added one. I do not know which one that was.”

Sahih al-Bukhari 6347
Allahumma Inni Auzu Bika Min Jahdi

Explanation of the Hadeeth

The Prophet (SAW) sought refuge in Allah from four things:

  1. Severe difficulties and hardships that are too much to bear.
  2. Utter destruction and ruin in this life and the afterlife.
  3. The evil consequences of things that have been decreed by Allah, which can harm us or lead us to things we hate.
  4. The pain and sadness we feel when our enemies rejoice at our misfortunes.

By seeking refuge in Allah, the Prophet (SAW) showed us that we should ask Allah to protect us from all kinds of harm and difficulties, whether they affect our lives, wealth, family, or reputation.

Dua Benefits

Reciting this dua has several benefits:

  1. Protection from hardships and difficulties.
  2. Safety from destruction and ruin in this life and the afterlife.
  3. Shield from the evil consequences of divine decrees.
  4. Solace from the pain of enemies’ malicious joy.
  5. Increased reliance and trust in Allah’s protection.
  6. Reduced anxiety and stress.
  7. Greater appreciation for Allah’s mercy and blessings.
  8. Enhanced faith and spiritual growth.
  9. Protection of one’s faith, family, wealth, and reputation.
  10. A sense of security and peace in Allah’s care.

Remember, dua is a powerful tool for seeking Allah’s help and protection. Regularly reciting this dua can bring comfort, strength, and guidance to face life’s challenges.


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