Understanding Weather in Arabic: A Comprehensive Guide

Weather in Arabic

When learning Arabic, understanding how to discuss the weather is both practical and essential. This guide will help you master the vocabulary, phrases, and expressions related to weather in Arabic.

Whether you’re chatting with friends, planning your day, or just expanding your language skills, this post has you covered.

Basic Weather Vocabulary

Understanding the fundamental weather-related terms is your first step. Here’s a quick reference table for some key vocabulary:

Weather in Arabic الطقسAl-Taqus
Temperature in Arabic درجة الحرارةDarajat Al-Harara
Sun in Arabic شمسShams
Rain in Arabic مطرMatar
Wind in Arabic ريحReeh
Cloud in Arabic غيمة / سحابةGhaymah / Sahabah
Storm in Arabic عاصفةAasifah
Snow in Arabic ثلجThalj
Fog in Arabic ضبابDabab
Humidity in Arabic رطوبةRutubah
Hot in Arabic حارHar
Cold in Arabic باردBarid
Warm in Arabic دافئDafi’
Cool in Arabic منعشMune’ish

Common Weather Phrases

Now that you have the basic vocabulary down, let’s look at how you can use these words in common sentences:

English PhraseArabic PhraseTransliteration
How is the weather today?كيف حال الطقس اليوم؟Kayfa Hal Al-Taqus Al-Yawm?
The weather is good.الطقس جيد.Al-Taqus Jayid.
It’s hot today.الجو حار اليوم.Al-Jaw Har Al-Yawm.
It’s cold outside.الجو بارد في الخارج.Al-Jaw Barid Fi Al-Kharij.
It’s raining.إنها تمطر.Innaha Tumtir.
It’s windy.الجو عاصف.Al-Jaw Aasif.
It’s cloudy.السماء غائمة.Al-Sama’ Gha’imah.
It’s snowing.إنها تثلج.Innaha Tuthlij.
The temperature is high/low.درجة الحرارة مرتفعة/منخفضة.Darajat Al-Harara Murtafi’ah/ Munkhafidah.

READ ALSO: Adverbs in Arabic, Types with Examples

Types of Weather Conditions

Describing the weather can go beyond just saying it’s “hot” or “cold.” Here are more specific terms:

Sunny in Arabic مشمسMushmis
Rainy in Arabic ممطرMumtir
Windy in Arabic عاصفAasif
Cloudy in Arabic غائمGha’im
Stormy in Arabic عاصفAasif
Snowy in Arabic مثلجMuthlij
Foggy in Arabic ضبابيDhababi

Describing Temperature

Temperature plays a significant role in weather conversations. Below are terms to describe different temperature levels:

Temperature DescriptionArabicTransliteration
Very Hotشديد الحرارةShadid Al-Harara
Very Coldشديد البرودةShadid Al-Barudah

Talking About Seasons

Seasons often dictate the type of weather you’ll experience. Here’s how to talk about them in Arabic:


Example Sentences

To give you a better sense of how to use these words and phrases in context, here are a few example sentences:

  • It’s very hot in the summer.
  • Arabic: الجو حار جدًا في الصيف.
  • Transliteration: Al-Jaw Har Jiddan Fi As-Sayf.
  • In winter, it often snows.
  • Arabic: في الشتاء، غالبًا ما يتساقط الثلج.
  • Transliteration: Fi Ash-Shita’, Ghaliban Ma Yatasaqat Ath-Thalj.
  • The wind is strong today.
  • Arabic: الرياح قوية اليوم.
  • Transliteration: Ar-Riyah Qawiyah Al-Yawm.

Conversational Questions

Asking about the weather is a common conversation starter. Here’s how you can ask these questions in Arabic:

English QuestionArabic QuestionTransliteration
What is the temperature today?ما هي درجة الحرارة اليوم؟Ma Hiya Darajat Al-Harara Al-Yawm?
Is it going to rain?هل ستمطر؟Hal Satumtir?
Is it cold in the evening?هل الجو بارد في المساء؟Hal Al-Jaw Barid Fi Al-Masa’?

Advanced Weather Terms

For those looking to go beyond the basics, here are some advanced weather-related terms:

Forecast in Arabic التوقعات الجويةAt-Tawaqu’at Al-Jawiyyah
Climate in Arabic المناخAl-Munak
Drought in Arabic الجفافAl-Jafaf
Thunder in Arabic رعدRa’d
Lightning in Arabic برقBarq


Mastering weather-related vocabulary in Arabic not only improves your language skills but also enhances your ability to engage in everyday conversations.

Whether you’re describing the day’s conditions or asking about the forecast, this guide provides you with the tools you need to speak confidently about the weather in Arabic.

Practice using these words and phrases regularly, and you’ll soon find yourself discussing the weather like a native speaker.

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