Rabbi A’uzu Bika Min Hamazati Shayatin Meaning & Arabic

“Rabbi a’uzu bika min hamazati shayatin” is a powerful dua from the Quran, seeking refuge with Allah from the whispers and evil suggestions of the devils (shayateen). This supplication is a potent weapon against waswasa (insinuating thoughts) and evil inclinations.
Rabbi A’uzu Bika Min Hamazati ShayatIn in Arabic Text
The dua is written in Arabic as:
رَبِّ أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ هَمَزَاتِ الشَّيَاطِينِ، وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ رَبِّ أَنْ يَحْضُرُونِ
Rabbi ‘aouthubika min hamazaatish-shayaateen, wa ‘aouthu bika rabbi ‘ay-yahdhuroon.
Rabbi A’uzu Bika Min Hamazati Shaytan Meaning in English
Rabbi a’uzu bika min hamazati shayateen means My Lord! I seek refuge with You from the whisperings of the Shayateen (devils). And I seek refuge with You, My Lord! lest they should come near me.
This beautiful supplication is found in Surah Al Muminoon 23, verse 97-98. The dua seeks Allah’s protection from the devils’ attempts to lead us astray through evil thoughts, doubts, and temptations.
By reciting this dua, we acknowledge Allah’s power and seek His help in resisting the whispers of the shayateen, thereby strengthening our faith and resolve.
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Allah commands us to seek refuge with Him from the Shayatin (devils), as they cannot be defeated through trickery or kindness.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) would say, “I seek refuge with Allah, the All-Hearing, All-Knowing, from the accursed Shayatin, from their whisperings, evil suggestions, and insinuations.”
This supplication recognizes the danger posed by Satan and his forces, seeking Allah’s protection from all forms of evil.
We are commanded to mention Allah at the beginning of any undertaking to ward off the Shayatin, and seeking refuge is a specific type of supplication that maintains the purity of worship directed only to Allah.
This powerful tool protects us from various forms of harm, and its significance is underscored by the Prophet’s teaching of these words to his companions as a means of seeking protection when startled from sleep.

Dua Benefits
Here are the benefits of the dua “Rabbi a’uzu bika min hamazati shayatin”:
- Protection from evil thoughts and whispers: This dua seeks refuge with Allah from the Shayatin’s whispers and evil suggestions, protecting one’s mind and heart from negative influences.
- Safeguard against Satan’s tricks: By seeking refuge with Allah, one is shielded from Satan’s deceitful plans and tricks, ensuring a stronger defense against his evil schemes.
- Purification of worship: This dua maintains the purity of worship, ensuring that one’s prayers and actions are directed solely to Allah, free from Satan’s corrupting influence.
- Comprehensive protection: The dua seeks refuge from all forms of evil, providing comprehensive protection against various forms of harm, including physical, emotional, and spiritual.
- Peace and tranquility: By seeking Allah’s refuge, one experiences peace and tranquility, knowing that they are under Allah’s protection and care.
- Strength against temptations: This dua provides strength and resilience against temptations and desires that may lead one astray.
- Constant reminder of Allah’s presence: The dua serves as a constant reminder of Allah’s presence and protection, fostering a deeper connection with Him.
- Powerful tool against waswasa: The dua is an effective weapon against waswasa (insinuating thoughts) and evil inclinations, helping one to resist Satan’s attempts to lead them astray.