Rabbana Atmim Lana Noorana Meaning and Arabic Text

“Rabbana atmim lana noorana” is a dua from the Quran, found in Surah At-Tahreem, Verse 8. This heartfelt supplication is uttered by the believers on the Day of Judgment, when the light of the hypocrites fades away, and they are left in darkness.
The believers, seeking guidance and illumination, ask Allah to perfect and complete their light, leading them to salvation.
Rabbana Atmim Lana Noorana In Arabic
Here is the full dua with Arabic text and translation:
رَبَّنَا أَتْمِمْ لَنَا نُورَنَا وَاغْفِرْ لَنَا إِنَّكَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ
Transliteration: Rabbana atmim lana noorana maghfir lana innaka ‘ala kulli shai’in qadeer.
Rabbana Atmim Lana Nurana Meaning In English
Rabbana atmim lana noorana means Our Lord, perfect for us our light and forgive us. Indeed, You are over all things competent.
Explanation of the Dua
This dua serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of sincerity and faith, and the ultimate triumph of truth over falsehood on the Day of Judgment.
The dua is the supplication of the believers on the Day of Judgment, when the light of the hypocrites fades away.
This light is a sign by which the Prophet (peace be upon him) recognizes his ummah. The believers ask Allah to perfect their light, meaning to sustain and complete it until they reach the abode of peace, Jannah.
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The scholars explain that on the Day of Judgment, the believers will fear that their light might also be extinguished like that of the hypocrites.
So, they ask Allah to perfect their light, connecting them with the light and certainty they possess, leading them to the gardens of bliss.
The light is proportional to the deeds done in the world. The reward corresponds to the nature of the actions. Some will have light like a mountain, others like a palm tree, and the least among them will have light on their toes that may flicker and be kindled again.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) himself asked Allah to grant him light in every part of his body, completing his knowledge, awareness, and guidance.
The servant asks Allah to perfect his light and shower it upon him in this world until it reaches its full brilliance on the Day of Judgment.
In essence, this dua is a heartfelt request for Allah’s guidance, illumination, and salvation, acknowledging His capability and power to grant it.

Dua Benefits
The benefits of the dua “Rabbanaa atmim lana noorana” include:
- Guidance and illumination: Seeking Allah’s light to guide them through the challenges of the Day of Judgment.
- Salvation: Asking Allah to lead them to the abode of peace, Jannah.
- Protection from darkness: Seeking refuge from the darkness of hypocrisy and disbelief.
- Perpetual light: Requesting continuous and perpetual illumination, symbolizing steadfast faith.
- Recognition by the Prophet: The light is a sign by which the Prophet (peace be upon him) recognizes his true followers.
- Proportional reward: The light is proportional to the deeds done in the world, ensuring a fair reward.
- Increased knowledge and awareness: Seeking light in every part of one’s being, completing knowledge, awareness, and guidance.
- Guidance in the worldly life: Asking Allah to shower light upon them in this world, guiding them through life’s challenges.
- Humility and acknowledgment: Recognizing Allah’s capability and power, acknowledging His ability to grant guidance and salvation.
- Forgiveness and mercy: Implying a request for forgiveness and mercy, as the light of the hypocrites fades away.
Reciting this dua regularly can help cultivate a strong connection with Allah, seeking guidance, illumination, and salvation, while acknowledging His infinite power and mercy.
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