Planets in Arabic: Learn All the Planet Names in Arabic

Planets in Arabic

When learning Arabic, expanding your vocabulary with common terms is essential. A great way to do this is by learning the names of planets in Arabic.

Whether you’re a student, an enthusiast, or someone looking to explore the cosmos in a new language, this guide will help you learn the Arabic names for all the planets in our solar system.

How To Say Planets in Arabic

In Arabic, the word for “planet” is written as كَوْكَب and pronounced kawkab. The plural form, “planets,” is written as كَواكِب and pronounced kawaakib. The term for “planetary system” is نِظام كَوْكَبيّ and is pronounced niDHaam kawkabi.

Here’s a simple table with the names of the planets in Arabic:

English NameArabic NamePronunciation

This table helps you easily learn and remember the names of the planets in Arabic along with their pronunciation.

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1. Mercury – عطارد (ʿUṭārid)

Mercury, the smallest and closest planet to the Sun, is known as “ʿUṭārid” in Arabic. The name is derived from ancient Arabic astronomy.

2. Venus – الزهرة (Az-Zuhara)

Venus, the brightest planet in our night sky, is called “Az-Zuhara” in Arabic, which means “the shining one” or “the bright one.”

3. Earth – الأرض (Al-ʾArḍ)

Our home planet, Earth, is known as “Al-ʾArḍ” in Arabic. The word “ʾArḍ” is widely used in Arabic literature and speech to refer to the land or ground.

4. Mars – المريخ (Al-Mirrīkh)

Mars, often referred to as the Red Planet, is called “Al-Mirrīkh” in Arabic. This name is also rooted in Arabic tradition and has been used since ancient times.

5. Jupiter – المشتري (Al-Musharī)

Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is known as “Al-Musharī” in Arabic. The name is associated with expansion and abundance, reflecting the planet’s size.

6. Saturn – زحل (Zuḥal)

Saturn, famous for its stunning ring system, is referred to as “Zuḥal” in Arabic. This name has been used by Arab astronomers for centuries.

7. Uranus – أورانوس (ʾŪrānūs)

Uranus, a planet with a unique blue-green color due to its methane atmosphere, is called “ʾŪrānūs” in Arabic, closely resembling its English name.

8. Neptune – نبتون (Nabtūn)

Neptune, the farthest planet from the Sun in our solar system, is known as “Nabtūn” in Arabic. Like Uranus, its Arabic name closely mirrors its English counterpart.

Why Learn Planet Names in Arabic?

Learning the names of the planets in Arabic is not just about expanding your vocabulary. It connects you to the rich history of Arabic astronomy, which has made significant contributions to our understanding of the stars and planets.

Knowing these names can also enhance your ability to read and comprehend Arabic texts, especially those related to science and astronomy.

Tips for Memorizing the Planet Names

  • Flashcards: Create flashcards with the Arabic name on one side and the English name on the other.
  • Repetition: Repeatedly write and pronounce each name to help with memorization.
  • Visualization: Associate each planet’s name with an image or characteristic of the planet.

How To Say Solar System In Arabic

The Arabic word for solar system is written as المَجْموعةُ الشَّمْسِيَّة or النِّظام الشَّمْسي and the pronunciation is al-majmuu3atu ash-shamsiyya or an-niDHaam ash-shamsi.

Astronomy Vocabulary in Arabic

Astronomy / astrologyعِلْم الفَلَك[3ilmu al-falak]
Sunالشَّمْس noun![ash-shams]
Starنَجْم / نَجْمة
pl: نُجوم
[najm/ najma]
Space فَضاء[faDaa’]
pl: مَدارات
pl: مَجَرَّات
Solar eclipseكُسوفُ الشَّمْس[kusuuf ash-shams]
Lunar eclipseخسوف القمر[khusuuf al-qamar]
pl: مُذَنَّبات
Globeالكُرَةُ الأَرْضِيَّة[al-kuratul arDiyya]
Solar systemالمَجْموعةُ الشَّمْسِيَّة
النِّظام الشَّمْسي
[al-majmuu3atu ash-shamsiyya]
[an-niDHaam ash-shamsi]


Mastering the names of the planets in Arabic is a small but meaningful step in your language learning journey. It not only broadens your vocabulary but also deepens your understanding of how different cultures view the cosmos. Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be able to name all the planets in Arabic with ease!

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