Learning Flower Names in Arabic: A Floral Vocabulary Guide
As you delve deeper into the Arabic language, expanding your vocabulary is essential for fluency. One beautiful and fragrant category to explore is the world of flowers.
Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a gardener, or just someone who appreciates the beauty of flowers, knowing their names in Arabic will enhance your language skills. In this post, we’ll introduce you to some common flowers and their Arabic names.
How To Say Flower In Arabic
The Arabic word for flower is written as زَهْر and pronounced zahr. The plural word for flowers in Arabic is written زُهور and pronounced as zuhuur. Remember that this is a collective noun; one flower is called زَهْرة and transliterated as zahra in Arabic.
1. وردة (Warda) – Rose
The word “وردة” is used to describe a “rose” in Arabic. Roses are universally adored and are often associated with love and beauty in both Arab and global cultures.
2. زهرة التوليب (Zahra Al-Tulib) – Tulip
“زهرة التوليب” refers to a “tulip.” This vibrant and elegant flower is a symbol of spring and renewal, making it a popular choice for gardens.
3. نرجس (Nargis) – Daffodil
“نرجس” is the Arabic word for “daffodil.” This flower is known for its bright yellow petals and is often associated with new beginnings.
4. خزامى (Khuzaama) – Lavender
“خزامى” stands for “lavender” in Arabic. This aromatic flower is prized for its soothing scent and is commonly used in perfumes and essential oils.
5. عباد الشمس (ʿAbād Al-Shams) – Sunflower
The term “عباد الشمس” translates to “sunflower” in Arabic. Known for their large, bright yellow blooms, sunflowers are a symbol of positivity and warmth.
6. ياسمين (Yasmeen) – Jasmine
“ياسمين” is the Arabic word for “jasmine.” This small white flower is famous for its sweet fragrance and is often used in perfumes and teas.
7. قرنفل (Qurnafil) – Carnation
“قرنفل” refers to “carnation.” This flower is known for its ruffled petals and comes in a variety of colors, each with its own symbolic meaning.
8. زنبق (Zanbaq) – Lily
“زنبق” is the word for “lily” in Arabic. Lilies are elegant flowers often associated with purity and devotion.
9. بنفسجي (Banafsaj) – Violet
“بنفسيج” stands for “violet” in Arabic. Violets are delicate flowers known for their deep purple color and heart-shaped leaves.
10. اقحوان (Uqhuwaan) – Daisy
The term “اقحوان” translates to “daisy.” Daisies are cheerful flowers often associated with innocence and simplicity.
LEARN MORE: Learning Arabic Plant Names: A Beginner’s Guide
Arabic Names Of Flowers
In this table are more than 30 Arabic names of flower with photos, before each word is the Arabic names, transliteration and meaning.
English | Arabic flower names | Transliteration |
Rose | وَرْد | ward |
Hibiscus | خِطْمِيّ | khiTmiy |
Dandelion | طَرَخْشَقون | Tarakhshaquun |
Lotus | زَهْرَةُ النَّيْلوفَر اللّوتُس | zahratun nayluufar / al-luutus |
Tulip | زَهْرَةُ الخُزامى التّوليب | zahratul khuzaamaa / at-tuulib |
Daisy | زَهْرَةُ الرَّبيع | zahratur rabii3 |
Lily | زَهْرَةُ الزَّنْبَق | zahratuz-zanbaq |
Orchid | زَهْرَةُ الأُوركيد | zahratul uurkiid |
Linden | زَهْرَةُ الزَّيْزَفون | zahratuz-zayzafuun |
Geranium | غُرْنوقِيّ | ghurnuuqiy |
Violet | زَهْرَةُ البَنَفْسَج | zahratul banafsaj |
Calendula | الآذَرِيُون | al-aadhariyuun |
Jasmine | ياسَمين | yaasamiin |
Peony | فاوانِيا | faawaaniyaa |
Clover | بَرْسيم | barsiim |
Camellia | زَهْرَةُ الكاميليا | zahratul kaamiilyaa |
Hyacinth | المُكَحَّلة | al-mukaHHala |
Carnation | زَهْرَةُ القَرَنْفُل | zahratul qaranful |
Iris | زَهْرَةُ السَّوْسَن | zahratus-sawsan |
Gardenia | الغاردينيا | al-ghaardiiniyaa |
Chrysanthemum | زَهْرَةُ الاُقْحُوان | zahratul uqHuwaan |
Chamomile | زَهْرَةُ البابونَج | zahratul baabuunaj |
Narcissus | نَرْجِس | narjis |
Sunflower | عَبّادُ الشَّمْس | 3abbadush-shams |
Oleander | الدِّفْلى | ad-diflaa |
buttercup | حودان | Hawdhaan |
dandelion | طرخشقون | Tarakhshqoon |
thistle | نبات شائك | nabaat shaa’ik |
honeysuckle | صريمة الجدي | Sareemat al-jady |
foxglove | قفاز الثعلب | quffaaz ath-thaAlab |
poppy | خشخاش | khashkhaash |
bluebells | ياقتية الكرم | yaaqooteeyat al-karam |
heather | خلنج | khalanj |
lupins | زَهْرَةُ الترمس | zahrat at-turmus |
primrose | زَهْرَةُ الرَّبيع | zahrat ar-rabeeA |
nettle | قريص | qurrayS |
Geranium | غُرْنوقِيّ | ghurnuuqiy |
Linden | زَهْرَةُ الزَّيْزَفون | zahratuz-zayzafuun |
Lily | زَهْرَةُ الزَّنْبَق | zahratuz-zanbaq |
Orchid | زَهْرَةُ الأُوركيد | zahratul uurkiid |
Daisy | زَهْرَةُ الرَّبيع | zahratur rabii |
Clover | بَرْسيم | barsiim |
Peony | فاوانِيا | faawaaniyaa |
Jasmine | ياسَمين | yaasamiin |
Calendula | الآذَرِيُون | al-aadhariyuun |
Violet | زَهْرَةُ البَنَفْسَج | zahratul banafsaj |
Gardenia | الغاردينيا | al-ghaardiiniyaa |
Iris | زَهْرَةُ السَّوْسَن | zahratus-sawsan |
Carnation | زَهْرَةُ القَرَنْفُل | zahratul qaranful |
Hyacinth | المُكَحَّلة | al-mukaHHala |
Camellia | زَهْرَةُ الكاميليا | zahratul kaamiilyaa |
Oleander | الدِّفْلى | ad-diflaa |
Sunflower | عَبّادُ الشَّمْس | abbadush-shams |
Narcissus | نَرْجِس | narjis |
Chamomile | زَهْرَةُ البابونَج | zahratul baabuunaj |
Chrysanthemum | زَهْرَةُ الاُقْحُوان | zahratul uqHuwaan |
Bud | برعم | biraeam |
Bougainvillea | الجهنمية | aljahanamia |
Betel | التنبول | altanbul |
Balsam | بلسم | balsam |
Dahlia | الداليا | aldaalia |
Crape Jasmine | كريب الياسمين | karib alyasamin |
Cobra saffron | كوبرا زعفران | kubra zaefaran |
Arabian Jasmine | الياسمين العربي | alyasamin alearabiu |
Kurinji | كورينجي | kurinji |
Winter Jasmine | ياسمين الشتاء | yasamin alshita’ |
Datura | الداتورة | aldaatura |
Water lily | الزنبق المائي | alzanbaq almayiyu |
Cypress Vine | كرمة السرو | karmat alsarw |
Crossandra | كروساندرا | krusandira |
Creeper | الزاحف | alzaahif |
Indian tulip | الزنبق الهندي | alzanbaq alhindiu |
Red lotus | اللوتس الأحمر | alluwts al’ahmar |
Learning the names of flowers in Arabic not only enriches your vocabulary but also allows you to connect with nature in a new language. Whether you’re discussing your favorite blooms or planning a garden, these Arabic terms will help you express yourself beautifully. Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be able to talk about flowers in Arabic with ease!
Explore more flower names and related vocabulary as you continue your Arabic studies. Happy learning!