Allahumma Maghfir Lee Zambi Kullahu Meaning & Arabic Text

Allahumma maghfir lee zambi kullahu

Do you want to ask Allah for forgiveness for all your mistakes? There’s a special dua called ‘Allahumma maghfir lee zambi kullahu’ that you can say during your daily prayers, specifically when you’re in prostration (sujood).

Allahumma Maghfir Lee Zambi Kullah in Arabic Text

The dua is written in Arabic as:

اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي ذَنْبِي كُلَّهُ، دِقَّهُ وَجِلَّهُ ، وَأَوَّلَهُ وَآخِرَهُ، وَعَلَانِيَتَهُ وَسِرَّهُ


The dua is transliterated as Allahum-maghfir li dhanbi kullahu: diqqahu wa jillahu, wa ‘awwalahu wa akhirahu, wa alaniyatahu wa sirrahu.

Allahumma Maghfir Lee Zambi Kullahu Meaning in English

Allahumma maghfir lee zanbee means O Allah! Forgive me all my sins, those which are few (or small) and those which are plenty (or big), the first of them and the last of them, those that are apparent and those that are hidden.


Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to say while prostrating himself: O Lord, forgive me all my sins, small and great, first and last, open and secret.

[Collected by Muslim 483]
Allahumma maghfir lee zambi kullah

Dua Benefits

Here’s the explanation and benefits of this dua:

“When you say ‘O Allah! Forgive me all my sins, those which are few (or small) and those which are plenty (or big), the first of them and the last of them, those that are apparent and those that are hidden), you’re asking Allah to:

  • Forgive all your sins, no matter how small or big they are
  • Erase your mistakes, whether they’re recent or from the past
  • Cleanse you from sins that are visible to others and those that are hidden in your heart
  • Give you a fresh start, free from the burden of your mistakes

By saying this dua, you’re:

  • Showing humility and acknowledging your mistakes
  • Seeking Allah’s mercy and forgiveness
  • Asking for a clean slate, free from sin
  • Expressing your desire to start anew and be a better person

So, when you say this prayer, you’re asking Allah to forgive all your sins, big or small! It’s like a reset button for your mistakes, and it’s a way to start fresh and new.

Remember, Allah is always merciful and forgiving, and He wants you to ask for His forgiveness. So, say this dua regularly and experience the benefits of forgiveness, peace, and a renewed sense of purpose!


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