Allahumma La Sahla Meaning, Arabic Text, Hadith & Benefits

Allahumma la sahl

“Allahumma la sahla” is a lovely prayer that helps us face tough times. When we say this, we’re asking Allah for help to make hard things easier. Here’s the full dua in Arabic, meaning in English, transliteration and explanation.

Allahumma La Sahla in Arabic Text

The full dua is written in arabic as:

اللَّهُمَّ لَا سَهْلَ إلاَّ مَا جَعَلْتَهُ سَهْلاً، وأنْتَ تَجْعَلُ الحَزْنَ إذَا شِئْتَ سَهْلاً

Allaahumma La Sahla Transliteration

The dua is transliterated as Allahumma la sahla illa ma jaaltahu sahla wa anta tajal ul-hazna idha shi’ta sahla.

Allahumma La Sahla Illa Ma Ja’altahu Sahla Meaning in English

Allaahumma la Sahla means O Allah! Nothing is easy except what You have made easy. If You wish, You can make the difficult easy.

Allaahumma la Sahla Hadith

Narrated Anas bin Maalik (رضي الله عنه) that the Prophet (ﷺ) said (in another narration: the Prophet (ﷺ) used to supplicate saying): O Allah, there is no ease except in that which You have made easy and You make the difficulty if You wish, easy.

Collected by Ibn Hibban in his Sahih 2427;

RELATED: Allahumma Inni As Alukal Huda Full Dua Meaning & In Arabic

Shaikh Ibn al-`Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) explained:

“This dua means that if something isn’t easy for us, it won’t become easy on its own. Only what Allah makes easy can truly be easy. When something seems really hard, Allah can still make it easier for us if He wants.

By saying this prayer, we’re asking Allah to help us with tough situations and acknowledging that everything is under His control. Only He can turn hard things into easy ones.”

O Allah, we understand that true ease only comes from You. When we talk about “easy,” we mean things that are smooth, gentle, and not harsh.

Imagine the soft soil by the seashore, that’s called “sahla” in Arabic, meaning it’s smooth. Easy places are like that, soft and smooth, unlike rough and tough terrain.

When we say someone is “easy,” it means they deal with others gently. But if someone is “difficult,” it means they’re harsh in their interactions.

This prayer reminds us that only what Allah makes easy is truly easy. It shows that what seems easy to us might become hard, reminding us that we rely on Allah for everything.

We ask Allah to make tasks and situations easy for us, knowing that He can turn tough things into easy ones. This prayer reflects that what we see as easy or hard is all up to Allah’s plan.

It’s a humble way of asking for Allah’s help in facing challenges, whether they seem simple or turn out to be tough. It shows that we trust Allah’s guidance in all aspects of life, from everyday tasks to big challenges.

Allahumma la sahla

Dua Benefits

Here are the benefits of this dua:

  1. Seeking Ease in Difficulty: This dua teaches that when faced with tough situations or tasks, turning to Allah for ease is beneficial. It reminds you that even the most challenging obstacles can become manageable with Allah’s help.
  2. Building Trust in Allah: By acknowledging that Allah has control over making difficult things easy, this dua helps you develop trust in Allah’s wisdom and mercy. It encourages reliance on Allah during times of struggle.
  3. Positive Outlook: Reciting this dua can instill a positive mindset in you by reminding you that Allah has the power to alleviate hardships. It encourages you to approach difficulties with hope and optimism, knowing that Allah can make things easier.
  4. Stress Relief: During exams, presentations, or other stressful situations, reciting this dua can provide students with a sense of calmness and reassurance. It reminds them that Allah is aware of their struggles and can ease their burdens.
  5. This dua empowers you by reminding you that Allah’s assistance is always available. It encourages you to take on challenges confidently, knowing that Allah can make even the most daunting tasks manageable.

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