Allahumma Inni Auzu Bika Min Azabil Qabri Meaning & Arabic

The dua “Allahumma inni auzu bika min azabil qabri” is a prayer asking for protection from four important things: punishment in the grave and Hellfire, facing trials and difficulties in life, the uncertainty of death, and the arrival of the Dajjal.
It’s recited before the supplication in the tashahud, emphasizing the importance of seeking refuge in Allah from these potential harms.
Allahumma Inni A’udhu Bika Min Adhabil Qabri In Arabic Text
The full Dua is written in Arabic as:
اللّهُمَّ إِنِّـي أَعوذُ بِكَ مِنْ عَذابِ القَـبْر، وَمِنْ عَذابِ جَهَـنَّم، وَمِنْ فِتْـنَةِ المَحْيا وَالمَمات، وَمِنْ شَرِّ فِتْـنَةِ المَسيحِ الدَّجّال
The dua is pronounced as Allaahumma ‘innee a’oothu bika min ‘adhaabil-qabri, wa min ‘adhaabi Jahannam, wa min fitnatil-Mahyaa wal Mamaati, wa min sharri Fitnatil-Maseehid-Dajjal.
Allahumma Inni Auzu Bika Min Azabil Qabri Meaning in English
Allahumma inni a’uzu bika min azabil qabri means “O Allah, I seek refuge with you from the punishment of the grave, from the torment of the Fire, from the trials of life and death, and from the trial of the Dajjal“.
RELATED: Allahumma Ajal Fi Qalbi Noor Full Dua Meaning and Arabic
Allahumma Inni A Uzu Bika Min Azabil Qabri Hadith
The Messenger (ﷺ) said: ‘If one of you finishes from the last Tashahud; then he should seek refuge with Allah from four things; he says:
Allaahumma ‘innee a’oothu bika min ‘adhaabil-qabri, wa min ‘adhaabi Jahannam, wa min fitnatil-Mahyaa wal Mamaati, wa min sharri Fitnatil-Maseehid-Dajjal.
[Al-Bukhari 832, 833; Sahih Muslim 588, 590]
Al-Bukhari narrated it with the following words:
Narrated Aisha: (the wife of the Prophet) Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) used to invoke Allah in the prayer saying:
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ عَذَابِ الْقَبْرِ وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ فِتْنَةِ الْمَسِيحِ الدَّجَّالِ، وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ فِتْنَةِ الْمَحْيَا وَفِتْنَةِ الْمَمَاتِ، اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْمَأْثَمِ وَالْمَغْرَمِ
Transliteration: Allahumma inni audhu bika minadhabi l-qabr, wa audhu bika min fitnati l-masihi d-dajjal, wa audhu bika min fitnati l-mahya wa fitnati l-mamat. Allahumma inni a`udhu bika mina l-ma’thami wa l-maghram.
Meaning in English: O Allah, I seek refuge with You from the punishment of the grave, from the afflictions of the imposter- Messiah, and from the afflictions of life and death. O Allah, I seek refuge with You from sins and from debt.
Sheikh Bin Uthaimeen explained that after finishing the Tashahhud, just before saying Taslim, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) advised us to seek refuge in Allah from four specific things.
Firstly, seeking refuge from the torment of Hell, which is a fiery punishment. It’s essential to ask Allah for protection from the consequences of our wrongdoings and to seek His forgiveness for both the sins we are aware of and those we are not.
Secondly, seeking refuge from the torment of the grave, as there is indeed punishment awaiting some in the grave. This punishment can be continuous for disbelievers and sometimes for sinners too.
For instance, the Prophet mentioned encountering two individuals being punished in their graves—one for not protecting himself from impurities and the other for spreading lies.
Thirdly, seeking refuge from the trials of life and death. The trials of life encompass ignorance leading to doubt and confusion about the truth, as well as succumbing to desires over what is right and true, ultimately leading one astray.
It’s important to seek Allah’s protection from these trials that can lead to spiritual destruction.
The trial of death can come in two forms. Firstly, it’s believed to occur in the grave when two angels question a person about their faith, their Lord, and their Prophet after burial. Secondly, it’s said that the trial of death happens during a person’s final moments.
This is because Satan’s desire to mislead humans becomes stronger as death approaches.
He may try to sow doubt or even convince someone to disbelieve in Allah. This trial is considered one of the most significant challenges a person may face.
Another significant trial is that of Al-Masih Ad-Dajjaal, also known as the Antichrist. He is described as a deceitful and false figure sent by Allah near the end of time.
His forehead will bear the word “Kafir” (disbeliever), visible to believers regardless of their level of knowledge.
He will try to lead people astray, claiming to be divine and tempting them with false promises of paradise and threats of hell.
His influence on Earth will increase over forty days, with each day having a different duration.
Despite appearances, his paradise will be hell, and his hell will be paradise. His deception will be severe, and he will lead many astray.
It’s recommended to mention these four trials before concluding the prayer with Taslim, but scholars have differing opinions on whether it’s obligatory or a recommended practice.
Most scholars consider mentioning these four supplications before Taslim as a recommended practice (Sunnah), and one’s prayer remains valid even if they forget to recite them.
However, some scholars argue that it’s obligatory (compulsory), and if someone omits them, they must repeat their prayer.
For instance, Taawus, a prominent student of the companions, advised his son to repeat his prayer when he forgot to recite these supplications.
Therefore, it’s advisable not to neglect them. By adhering to this practice, one can benefit greatly, and it ensures that their prayer is not deemed void according to some scholars.

Dua Benefits
Throughout our lives and even after death, we face various trials. These trials can lead us to commit sins, engage in innovations in Islam, or even stray into disbelief in Allah’s religion.
We may encounter temptations such as wealth, desires, sinful actions, or bad company, leading us astray and displeasing Allah. These trials may occur during our lives or at the moment of death.
We seek refuge in Allah from these trials. For those living during the appearance of Al-Masih-ul-Dajjal, a false prophet who will claim to be the lord of all creation, seeking refuge in Allah is crucial.
Al-Masih-ul-Dajjal’s arrival at the end of time will lead many astray, and we pray to be saved from following him and facing the consequences.
It’s essential to ask Allah to protect us from the torment of Hellfire, the punishment of the grave, the trials of life and death, and the trial of Al-Masih-ul-Dajjal.
Everyone needs to make this dua so that they can avoid trials in life and death, and especially so they can escape the trial of Al-Masih-ul-Dajjal if they happen to live during his appearance. We implore Allah to safeguard us from these trials.