Allahumma Inna Nasta Inuka Full Dua Meaning and Arabic Text

Allahumma inna nasta inuka is a one of the duas of Qunoot. Qunoot is a type of prayer that we say during our regular prayer, when we’re standing. We usually say Qunoot during a special prayer called Witr, and also when something bad happens to Muslims. It’s like a way of asking Allah for help and protection when we need it most.
Allaahumma Inna Nasta Inuka Full Dua In Arabic
Here is the full dua in Arabic:
اللهم إنا نستعينك ونستغفرك ونؤمن بك ونتوكل عليك ونثني عليك الخير ونشكرك ولا نكفرك ونخلع ونترك من يفجرك اللهم إياك نعبد ولك نصلي ونسجد وإليك نسعى ونحفد ونرجو رحمتك ونخشى عذابك إن عذابك بالكفار ملحق
The dua is transliterated as Allahumma inna nasta inuka wa nastaghfiruka, wa nu’minu bika wa natawakkalu ‘alaika wa nuthni ‘alaikal khair, wa nashkuruka wa la nakfuruka wa nakhla’u wa natruka manyyafjuruka, allahumma iyyaka na’budu , wa laka nusalli wa nasjudu wa ilaika nas’a wa nahfidu wa narju rahmataka wa nakhsha ‘adhabaka inna ‘adhabaka bil kaffari mulhiq.
Allahumma Inna Nasta Inuka Meaning In English
Allaahumma inna nasta means O Allah! Truly we seek Your help and Your forgiveness and believe in You and praise You for all good. We thank You and are not ungrateful to You and submit ourselves to you and surrender and abandon all who reject You. O Allah You alone we worship. We pray and prostrate to You. We strive and struggle in Your Way. We hope for Your mercy and fear Your harsh punishment. Certainly Your punishment encircles the rejectors.

This dua is like a heartfelt conversation with Allah. We’re saying:
- “O Allah, we need Your help and forgiveness.” (We’re acknowledging that we make mistakes and need Allah’s mercy)
- “We believe in You and praise You for all the good things in our lives.” (We’re expressing our gratitude and faith in Allah)
- “We thank You and will never be ungrateful to You.” (We’re promising to always be thankful for Allah’s blessings)
- “We submit ourselves to You and surrender to Your will.” (We’re acknowledging that Allah is in control and we trust in His plan)
- “We abandon all who reject You.” (We’re saying that we will stay away from people who don’t believe in Allah or follow His teachings)
- “O Allah, You alone we worship.” (We’re reaffirming that we only worship Allah and no one else)
- “We pray and prostrate to You.” (We’re saying that we will continue to pray and worship Allah with humility)
- “We strive and struggle in Your Way.” (We’re promising to try our best to follow Allah’s path and teachings)
- “We hope for Your mercy and fear Your harsh punishment.” (We’re acknowledging that we need Allah’s mercy and are afraid of His punishment if we disobey Him)
- “Certainly Your punishment encircles the rejectors.” (We’re reminding ourselves that those who reject Allah’s teachings will face consequences)
Overall, this dua is a beautiful way of expressing our love, gratitude, and submission to Allah. We’re seeking His help, forgiveness, and mercy, and promising to follow His path and teachings.