Allahumma Bariklana Fi Rajaba Full Dua Meaning & Arabic

Allahumma bariklana fi rajaba

When you recite the dua “Allahumma bariklana fi rajaba,” you’re often seeking blessings in the months before Ramadan, hoping for Allah’s favor to experience and gain from the upcoming sacred month. Although scholars classify the Hadith as weak, it’s still considered acceptable for practice.

Allahumma Bariklana Fi Rajaba in Arabic

اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِي رَجَبٍ، وَشَعْبَانَ، وَبَلِّغْنَا رَمَضَانَ


Allahumma barik lana fi Rajab wa Sha’ban wa ballighna Ramadan.

Allahumma Barik Lana Fi Rajab wa Sha’ban Meaning in English

Allahumma Barik Lana Fi Rajab means O Allah, Bless us in Rajab and Sha`ban and allow us to reach Ramadan.

Degree of the hadith “Allahumma Ballighna Ramadan”

It was narrated by ‘Abdullah, the son of Imam Ahmad, via Zaidah ibn Abi ar-Ruqad who said: Ziyad al-Numayri told us, from Anas ibn Malik who said: When Rajab began, the Messenger of Allah (blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “O Allah, bless us in Rajab and Sha‘ban, and let us reach Ramadan.” (Allhumma barik lana fi Rajab wa Sha’ban wa ballighna Ramadan).

This isnad is da‘if, read the full text here.

RELATED: Allahumma Aslih Qalbi Full Dua Meaning & Arabic

Allahumma bariklana fi rajaba

When you say the dua “O Allah, Bless us in Rajab and Shaban and allow us to reach Ramadan,” you’re asking Allah to grant blessings and goodness to you during the months of Rajab and Shaban. Additionally, you’re seeking Allah’s favor to reach the blessed month of Ramadan safely.

This dua expresses a desire for spiritual growth and preparation leading up to Ramadan. By reciting this supplication, you’re expressing your hope to benefit spiritually from the blessings of Rajab and Sha`ban and to reach Ramadan in a state of readiness and anticipation.

Ramadan is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, marked by fasting, prayer, and increased devotion.

By asking Allah to allow you to reach Ramadan, you’re expressing your eagerness and anticipation for this blessed month.

You recognize Ramadan as a time of immense spiritual opportunity and transformation and wish to be granted the privilege of experiencing its blessings and benefits once again.

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