Allahumma Aslamtu Nafsi Ilaika in Arabic and Meaning

“When you’re getting ready to sleep, it’s recommended to recite certain supplications, like ‘Allahumma aslamtu nafsi ilaika,’. This helps you surrender yourself to Allah before going to sleep, seeking His protection and guidance throughout the night.
Additionally, it’s part of the proper manners of sleeping to remember Allah by reciting Adkar, which are words of remembrance prescribed by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
He advised us to do this, emphasizing its importance. By reciting these Adkar before sleeping, you’re following the Prophet’s teachings and seeking blessings and protection from Allah as you rest.
Allahumma Aslamtu Nafsi Ilaika in Arabic
The full dua is written in Arabic as:
اللَّهمَّ أسلَمْتُ نفسي إليك ووجَّهْتُ وجهي إليك، وفَوَّضْتُ أمْرِي إلَيْكَ، وأَلْجَأْتُ ظَهْرِي إلَيْكَ، رَغْبَةً ورَهْبَةً إلَيْكَ، لا مَلْجَأَ ولَا مَنْجَا مِنْكَ إلَّا إلَيْكَ، اللَّهُمَّ آمَنْتُ بكِتَابِكَ الذي أنْزَلْتَ، وبِنَبِيِّكَ الذي أرْسَلْتَ
Allahumma aslamtu nafsi ilaika, wa wajahtu wajhi ilaika, wafawadtu amri ilaika, wa alja’tu zhari ilaika, raghbatan wa rahbatan ilaika, la malja wa la manja minka illa ilaika, aamantu bi kitabika alladhi anzalta, wa nabiyyika alladhi arsalta.
Allahumma Aslamtu Nafsi Ilaika Meaning in English
Allahumma aslamtu nafsi ilaik means O Allah, I have submitted my soul to You, I have turned my face onto You, I have committed my affairs to You and depend on You for protection out of hope in You and out of fear of You (expecting your reward and fearing your punishment). There is no santuary and safe haven from You but with You. I believe in the Book You have revealed and in the Prophet You have sent (that is, Muhammad It).’
RELATED: Allahumma Inni As Aluka Husnal Khatimah Meaning and Arabic
Text of the Hadith
Narrated Al-Bara ‘bin Azib: The Prophet (ﷺ) said to me, “Whenever you go to bed perform ablution like that for the prayer, lie or your right side and say,
“Allahumma aslamtu wajhi ilaika, wa fauwadtuAmri ilaika, wa alja’tu Zahri ilaika raghbatan wa rahbatan ilaika. La Malja’a wa la manja minka illa ilaika. Allahumma amantu bikitabika-l-ladhi anzalta wa bina-biyika-l ladhi arsalta”
(O Allah! I surrender to You and entrust all my affairs to You and depend upon You for Your Blessings both with hope and fear of You. There is no fleeing from You, and there is no place of protection and safety except with You O Allah! I believe in Your Book (the Qur’an) which You have revealed and in Your Prophet (Muhammad) whom You have sent).
Then if you die on that very night, you will die with faith (i.e. or the religion of Islam). Let the aforesaid words be your last utterance (before sleep).”
I repeated it before the Prophet (ﷺ) and when I reached “Allahumma amantu bikitabika-l-ladhi anzalta (O Allah I believe in Your Book which You have revealed).” I said, “Wa-rasulika (and your Apostle).” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “No, (but say): ‘Wanabiyika-l-ladhi arsalta (Your Prophet whom You have sent), instead.”
[Reference: Al-Bukhari 247 and Muslim 2710]

“O Allah, as I lay down to sleep, I surrender my soul to You, turning my face towards You. I entrust myself to Your care, placing all my affairs in Your hands, relying on You for everything and seeking Your protection from all harm.
As I turn my back to the world, seeking refuge by Your side, I ask for Your constant watchful gaze to guard over me.
When I say, ‘I have turned my back to You’ after entrusting my affairs to You, it means that after relying on You for all my needs and responsibilities, I seek Your refuge from anything that may harm me, whether it’s from within or from the outside.
I do all of this with hope in Your mercy, yet also with fear of Your punishment. I know that there is no escape from You except by turning to You, and there is no refuge from Your punishment except by seeking Your forgiveness, O Most Merciful.
I believe in Your Book, the Quran, and in Your Prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon him, whom You sent to guide us.
The Prophet, peace be upon him, has taught us that if someone passes away after reciting these words and having this mindset, they will die upon the faith of Islam and the teachings of the Prophet, receiving a blessed reward.”