Is Root Beer Halal or Haram? A Comprehensive Islamic Perspective

Is Root Beer Halal

Root beer is a popular drink, especially in North America, but its name often causes confusion among Muslims. With the term “beer” in its title, many wonder if it falls under the category of haram (forbidden) beverages due to its potential alcohol content.

In this article, we’ll explore whether root beer is halal, delve into the different types of root beer, and break down what Islamic scholars say about its permissibility.

What is Root Beer?

Root beer is a type of soft drink that originated in North America. Historically, it was made from the root of the sassafras tree or sarsaparilla vine, which gave the drink its distinctive flavor. In the past, root beer was often brewed at home and was believed to have medicinal properties.

Nowadays, commercially available root beer is made with artificial flavors and carbonated water, though some versions still use natural extracts.

Despite its name, modern root beer is non-alcoholic in most cases. The word “beer” refers more to its historical brewing process rather than the presence of alcohol.

However, it’s always essential to check the ingredients on any root beer product to ensure it doesn’t contain even small amounts of alcohol.

Is Root Beer Halal?

Root beer is generally considered halal, as it typically contains no alcohol or non-halal ingredients. However, it’s essential to check the specific brand and its ingredients, as some may use flavorings or additives that are not halal. Always look for halal certifications or inquire with the manufacturer if you’re unsure.

Non-Alcoholic vs. Alcoholic Root Beer

While most root beer on the market is non-alcoholic, there is a variation called “hard root beer” which contains alcohol.

This alcoholic version is becoming more common in some markets, and it has an alcohol content similar to that of traditional beer, usually around 4% or more. In Islam, any drink with intoxicating effects is considered haram, and this includes hard root beer.

Even non-alcoholic beverages can sometimes contain trace amounts of alcohol due to the fermentation process. Some root beers labeled as “non-alcoholic” may contain up to 0.5% alcohol. This can raise concerns among Muslims, especially when determining whether such drinks are permissible.

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What is ‘Hard’ Root Beer – And Is It Halal?

‘Hard’ root beer is a version of root beer that contains significant alcohol content, usually around 4-6%. It is marketed similarly to alcoholic beverages and falls under the category of intoxicants.

Because it can intoxicate, hard root beer is considered haram (forbidden) in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) clearly prohibited intoxicants, saying:

“The Prophet (SAW) said: Every intoxicant is khamr and every intoxicant is haram.”
– Narrated by Muslim

This hadith establishes that any substance capable of causing intoxication is considered forbidden, regardless of its form or origin. Since hard root beer falls under this category, it is haram and should be avoided by Muslims.

Is Non-Alcoholic Root Beer Halal?

Most non-alcoholic root beers are considered halal, as they do not contain intoxicating amounts of alcohol.

However, the presence of even trace amounts of alcohol in some root beer brands has led to differing opinions among scholars. The key issue is whether the small amount of alcohol present (if any) affects the permissibility of the drink.

According to Islam Q&A, if the alcohol content is so minute that it is absorbed into the drink and cannot cause intoxication even in large quantities, the root beer may be considered halal.

The reasoning here is that the negligible amount of alcohol loses its intoxicating essence and does not render the drink impermissible.

On the other hand, some scholars, such as Shaykh Asif from the Halal or Haram Team, argue that Muslims should avoid any beverages containing alcohol, no matter how small the percentage.

This perspective is based on the understanding that alcohol, in any form or quantity, is impure (najis) and should not be consumed.

The Debate on Trace Alcohol in Beverages

The issue of trace alcohol in beverages has been debated among Islamic scholars for years. The majority of scholars agree that anything that intoxicates in large quantities is haram in small quantities as well, based on the hadith:

“The Prophet (SAW) said: Whatever intoxicates in large quantities, a little of it is haram.”
– Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 1865

This hadith is often cited by scholars who believe that even non-alcoholic root beers with minimal alcohol content should be avoided.

However, the interpretation of what constitutes “a little” can vary. Some scholars argue that if the alcohol is not enough to intoxicate, and is present due to manufacturing processes (like fermentation), it does not fall under the same ruling as beverages intended to intoxicate.

This difference in interpretation is why you may find some scholars permitting the consumption of root beer with trace alcohol, while others firmly prohibit it.

Is Root Beer Halal

Is A&W Root Beer Halal?

A&W’s root beer is one of the most popular brands in the United States, and many Muslims may wonder whether it’s halal. We took a look at their ingredient list to help clarify this issue. A&W’s original root beer contains:

  • Carbonated water
  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Caramel color
  • Sodium benzoate (preservative)
  • Natural and artificial flavors
  • Quillaia extract

These ingredients do not include alcohol, making A&W’s root beer permissible to consume according to most scholars. However, as with all products, it’s a good idea to check the label for any changes or updates in the ingredient list before purchasing.

If you prefer other brands, remember to check the ingredients carefully, particularly for terms like “ethanol,” “fermented,” or other alcohol-related additives. If in doubt, consult a knowledgeable scholar or refer to a trusted halal certification authority.

Fatwa About Drinking Root Beer

Islamic scholars have issued several rulings (fatwas) on the permissibility of drinking beverages with alcohol. Islam Q&A has addressed the issue of consuming both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beers in great detail, and these rulings can also be applied to root beer.

First, the fatwa addresses beer that contains alcohol (like hard root beer). This type of beverage is clearly haram, as it intoxicates.

The Prophet (SAW) prohibited the consumption of intoxicants, and this applies to any beverage that can alter your state of mind. The fatwa cites the following hadith as evidence:

“The Prophet (SAW) said: Every intoxicant is khamr and every intoxicant is haram.”
– Narrated by Muslim

Second, the fatwa discusses non-alcoholic beer, which may contain a minuscule amount of alcohol. According to Islam Q&A, if the alcohol content is so small that it cannot intoxicate even in large quantities, the drink is considered halal by some scholars. However, as mentioned earlier, there is a difference of opinion, with some scholars advising Muslims to avoid any trace of alcohol.


In conclusion, most non-alcoholic root beers, such as A&W’s, are generally considered halal as they do not contain alcohol.

However, since some root beers may have trace amounts of alcohol (up to 0.5%), it’s important to check the ingredients and consult a scholar if you’re uncertain. Hard root beer, which contains alcohol, is undoubtedly haram.

As with any food or drink, it’s always wise to exercise caution, especially when the ingredients could potentially violate Islamic dietary guidelines. If in doubt, opt for a beverage that is clearly labeled as alcohol-free and certified halal.

Final Advice

If you have any specific concerns about a brand or product, feel free to reach out to a local scholar or consult halal certification agencies. Always remember to check labels and do your research before consuming a product.

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