Rabbana Innana Amanna Faghfir Lana Meaning & Arabic

Rabbana Innana Amanna Faghfir Lana

“Rabbana innana amanna faghfir lana” is a heartfelt dua found in Surah Al Imran, verse 16, seeking forgiveness and protection from the hellfire.

This beautiful supplication is one of the many prayers recited by the knowledgeable and faithful, acknowledging their belief in Allah and humbly asking for His mercy and pardon.

Rabbana Innana Amanna in Arabic

The full Dua is written in Arabic text as:

رَبَّنَا إِنَّنَا آمَنَّا فَاغْفِرْ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ


Rabbana innana aamanna faghfir lana dhunubana wa qina ’adhaban-naar.

Rabbana Innana Amanna Faghfir Lana Meaning in English

Rabbana Innana Amanna means Our Lord, indeed we have believed, so forgive us our sins and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.


After highlighting humanity’s attachment to worldly desires, Allah highlights the ultimate refuge for those with pure hearts.

The faithful cry out, “Our Lord, indeed we have believed,” a constant and renewed plea that underscores the power of faith.

By saying “We have believed,” they appeal to Allah’s lordship, seeking His care and protection. This declaration affirms their unwavering belief, rooted in certainty and monotheism.

Through this plea, they seek Allah’s favor and complete His blessings. They ask for forgiveness, recognizing that faith is a means to attain it.

Forgiveness serves as a shield, protecting them from the consequences of their sins. They seek refuge from the Fire’s punishment, a fate worse than death.

This supplication embodies a yearning for guidance towards righteousness, seeking a safeguard against the Fire’s torment and a path to eternal bliss.

‘Abdur-Razzaq al-Badr’s said that in Surah Ali ‘Imran, verse 16, Allah highlights a beautiful supplication of the righteous, who possess true faith and taqwa (piety).

They cry out, “Our Lord! Indeed, we have believed, so forgive us for our sins and save us from the punishment of the Fire.”

Ibn Katheer explains that this verse describes Allah’s pious worshippers, who have been promised a great reward. They affirm their belief in Allah, His Book, and His Messenger, seeking forgiveness for their sins and omissions due to their faith and righteous deeds.

This verse serves as proof of the permissibility of seeking nearness to Allah (at-Tawassul) through faith and righteous deeds, which are essential means of nearness to Him.

Al-Qasimee relays from al-Hakim that this verse indicates the permissibility of mentioning one’s obedient acts and endeavors to seek nearness to Allah in their supplications.

Rabbana Innana Amanna Faghfir

Dua Benefits

Here are the benefits of the dua “Rabbanaa innana amanna faghfir lana”:

  1. Forgiveness of sins: The dua seeks forgiveness for all sins, minor and major.
  2. Protection from Hellfire: The supplication asks for salvation from the punishment of the Fire.
  3. Renewed faith: The dua reaffirms one’s belief in Allah, His Book, and His Messenger.
  4. Righteous deeds: The supplication highlights the importance of righteous deeds in seeking nearness to Allah.
  5. Means of nearness: The dua demonstrates that faith and righteous deeds are essential means of nearness to Allah.
  6. Acceptance of supplication: The verse indicates that mentioning one’s obedient acts and endeavors in supplications can lead to acceptance by Allah.
  7. Guidance: The dua serves as a guide for righteous living and seeking Allah’s mercy.
  8. Humility: The supplication embodies humility and recognition of one’s shortcomings.
  9. Mercy and favor: The dua seeks Allah’s mercy and favor, which encompass His forgiveness and protection.
  10. Eternal bliss: The supplication ultimately seeks eternal bliss and salvation in the Hereafter.

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